Let us present… our organic ingredients
That business with the organic symbol on our label – we take it absolutely seriously. What it means is: all of the plant-based ingredients, such as fruit and herbs, that we use to obtain juice, extracts and flavourings for BIONADE, come 100% from controlled organic cultivation. Not 90%, not 95%, not even 99%.
But we can only stand by statements like this because we helped to establish great initiatives such as Bio-Landbau Rhön, the organic farming association for the Rhön area. This regional cultivation project connects certified organic farmers and guarantees them, for example, 100% harvest purchases at fair prices. And at the end of the day this benefits all of us.

The ones that keep the show on the road
An absolute classic and the most popular of all our flavours. You’ll love the slightly sharp fruity flavour of top-quality organic elderberry from the Rhön mountains. At the end of the day, everyone just calls it ‘red BIONADE’ – and that’s totally fine too.

The one we might have almost forgotten
Of course, the mother of all soft drinks mustn’t be lacking from any range. It’s just daft that we only realised this very, very late in the day. Never mind, it’s here now. Wonderfully refreshing, really fruity and deliberately not too sweet.

The other one we might almost have forgotten.
What’s unique about our orange drink? The fact that we released it way too late. And of course the best organic oranges, the fruity flavour and its natural cloudiness. Incredibly orange, incredibly tasty!

The one that’s great fun
Another strange BIONADE mix… but actually it’s only lemon with extra lemon added. So it’s sharp and refreshing. And although nobody asked, it tastes great!

The one that’s not so sharp after all
We say: ‘Ginger’. Everyone else says: ‘Oh, that’ll be really sharp.’ But it’s not! Our BIONADE Ginger-Orange is just aromatic and spicy, full of fruity taste and not overly sweet. Delicious! Don’t believe us? Just try it!

Mate Pur
The one that’s a classic reviver
Here it comes – our Mate in its pure form. No gimmicks, no fuss, just a real mate infusion from South America. Pure taste – and naturally 100% organic. Sounds sensational? That’s how it tastes.
Mate Pur
Maximum responsibility
These are the facts: the highest-quality ingredients and water are the most important parts of every BIONADE. It goes without saying that we strive to treat nature and its natural resources responsibly. And that means we work with organic partners without exception and promote organic farming in the region.
Our history
We could tell you at this point about how Dieter Leipold, inventor of BIONADE, had a brainwave back in 1960 for creating the first purely organic soft drink. Or we could tell you that he laboured hard for decades until at last the first ever BIONADE (lychee!) went on sale in 1994. And then we could go on about how BIONADE was then an uphill struggle, then downhill, and then steeply uphill again. And about how BIONADE became the cult brand that it is today.
But you could watch the slide show below instead. It’s much more entertaining, ha ha.